Thursday, April 26, 2007

Nodame Cantabile のだめカンタービレ

I am really disappointed why only a few Pinoys are discussing this fantastic dorama. I think the answer lies in the fact that there is no JE boy in there; not even one. No MatsuJun, no Kame, no JinJin, no YAMAPI. *sigh*

I don't hate fangirls (and fanboys, for that matter). However, sometimes they only tend to 'patronize' their idols' stuff (dorama, music, etc) and overlook the rest.

The truth is, they are missing out on a lot. I mean, why rave over something like Tatta Hitotsu no Koi たった一つの恋 just because Kame is in it, when it has a crappy (sorry for the term) over-used theme?

I experienced being a fangirl before, almost maxing out my credit card just to get the latest stuff from Gackt or L`arc~en~ciel. I am still a big fan of theirs, but thankfully, I got over my fangirl stage.

This is my blog; DO NOT FLAME ME.

Here are some Nodame pics I got from their official website. Enjoy!

The Nodame Cantabile cast

The Rising Star Orchestra

Chiaki and Nodame

Mine and Kiyora


  1. my housemate used to watch that everytime. its kinda quirky but never got around to watching it myself. :)

  2. i totally love nodame cantabile!!! i watched it because i thought it was an interesting story and i liked ueno juri ever since i saw her in engine...kinda disappointing that only few people talk about it, ne? i also had the same feeling when oguri shun was not that popular before...people rarely talk about him in the past.
