Thursday, May 24, 2007

Happy 1st birthday,! ^_^

It's's first year anniversary this month. Yay! We're one year old! ^_^

All Japinoy members are invited to the anniversary celebration on Sunday, May 27th at Music 21 Plaza, Jupiter Street, Makati City
at 3:00 - 5:00pm.

It was early May of last year that Schatz and I started building on the concept of an online Pinoy community about Japan: anime, music, TV, Nihongo, culture, even Visa. We eventually came up with the name Japinoy, which is the fusion of Japanese and Pinoy. As a web site, we aim to foster greater interest in anything Japanese through a fun and informative online community.

We got the domain and bought hosting services, and voila, was born. But it was only in June that we started accepting members because we had lots of little details to fix. Schatz wanted an auspicious date so we officially 'opened to the public' on June 8th.

Being only a year old, still has a long way to go. But in the past year, we've made good progress in the WWW: 318 members and over 4,000 different discussions. A lot of improvements are about to come soon and I don't want to talk about them yet because we don't have a fixed date for the changes but I'm sure the wait will be worth it.

I look forward to more Japinoy years for our community. I hope that we get more active members, and that we make a bigger difference in promoting Japan in the Philippines.

Yoroshiku onegaishimasu.

1 comment:

  1. omedetou~! di na ako nakaklog kasi busy... ehehehe... but im glad that the site took off! galeng!
