Wednesday, March 10, 2004

cluttered desk, cluttered life...

when will this end?? i meant, the "cluttered desk" part, of course. i have no intentions of ending my life anytime soon, thank you. life is too beautiful. ^_^

they shipped my gackt cds!! yahoo for cdjapan!! mwah, mwah! please, please get them here by friday...i needed to show them to mae-chan...and my cousin is coming home from tokyo next month!! and she's buying me gackt's album "crescent"!!! yahooo!! i love you, lj, mwah-mwah-mwah!!

mae-chan did something really sweet last saturday...

sensei, being his usual self, was ribbing me about my hair (i took pains of ironing it for some fifteen minutes in the morning, before going to class). he was like "did you marry somebody rich?? how come you had hair rebonding?" then mae-chan just spoke up..she said something like "hey, sensei, stop it...that's my friend, you know." awww...sweet, isn't it? well, i've always considered mae-chan more than a friend, more like a little sister (not that i need another, hehe). we've been classmates for [counts] 6 semesters in japanese school (or about three years now) and she is sort of my "protege" because she decided to major in economics too, and told me that she will just choose the same universities i chose for the monbusho scholarship. i am six years older than her and we both suck at math. ^_^ she's the son goku to my genjo she's my ばかサル (baka saru = stupid monkey)!!! wait, let me get my fan...i need to bonk my monkey on the head with it...kidding, mae!! love you!!

my website needs some serious updating...

it's been over a month since my last update: still no new pictures up, no new dates on the kenshuu diary, no nothing. but i'm afraid it will have to wait for a little more. the midterm exams for my japanese class is coming up in a couple of weeks and i have a graduate school entrance exam to prepare for. ^^;; [shifting to zen mode] i am calm, i am relaxed, i am at peace, i can overcome all of these...AARRGGHHHH!!! time! give me more time!! obviously, my dream of becoming a zen master had just gone down the drain. *sigh*

Posted by Unknown at 16:16


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