if i hear another word about me getting married/pregnant soon, i swear i'd leave that house. i'm sick of them predicting when i'm going to have a child. and all because i regularly stay at schatz's. what the heck is wrong with that, anyway?? he is my boyfriend and i want to spend as much time as i can with him. would they rather have me out on the streets? besides, it's not as if we're doing something we shouldn't be doing. i would give a million pesos to anyone in my family who can prove that i am no longer a virgin; i can submit myself to medical tests, if only to shut them up.
the stigma of my promiscuous cousin is rubbing off on me, unfortunately. maybe it's because i'm so darn good; i was never a problem child, i do good at school, i have a good job, i don't talk back to anyone, i do my chores without complaining. maybe they just wanted to see a bad side of me. good luck, people.
i have a new phone...it's now a week old. happy birthday, phone! ^_^ it's a simple phone, a nokia 3120. it has all the basic features i want in a phone and none of the additional ek-ek i don't need. no camera, no fm radio...no-frills. i'm not maarte so why should my mobile phone be? ^_^
mommy is the sweetest! she made lunch for me today. ^_^ actually, she's done a lot for me already and nahihiya naman ako sa balat ko na ginawa pa nya ako ng baon. pero sobrang thankful talaga ko kasi she likes me. ako din, love ko sya...kasi she's sweet, funny, makulit, madaldal, makwento, mahilig tumawa...teka, am i describing myself?? ^_^
i still remember that day when schatz brought me home to meet her. i was sooo nervous! i really wanted her to like me and i was praying so hard that i won't do anything stupid in front of her. thankfully, everything went well and now, we're getting along like we've known each other for a long time. ^_^
i really liked the fact that my boyfriend introduced me to his mom formally; it sort of gives more "legitimacy" to the relationship, like a stamp of approval or something. (which the ex never did, btw. LOSER!)
Posted by Unknown at 15:34

had an "aaww...that was so sweet" moment last weekend. schatz slipped a card inside my (so-messy-you-will-get-lost-inside) bag for me to find. totally unexpected, out of the blue (cat, kaya nga "surprise", di ba? motmot ka talaga paminsan-minsan...). the contents of the card? akin na lang un, for schatzi-cat's eyes only. he is so sweet that the louvre ought to lock him up as an extraordinary specimen of a man. but then again, akin na lang sya; sorry, ayoko mag-share e. ^_^
schatz had a tummy ache last night. i was quite worried, baka kung ano na yun. nowadays, you can't be too sure of what you eat or drink. anyway, the pain wasn't at the right side so i was sure it wasn't appedicitis or anything that affects organs in that side. turned out to be gas. schatz is ok now, thank goodness. ^_^ kasi kung hindi, di talaga ko papasok today!
last night, on my way back to the house (as opposed to "my home"...as in "351"), i heard strains of my most favorite song in the entire world, "woman" by john lennon. i wanted to stop right in the middle of the street just to finish the song, hehe. i know...sappy. but this song makes me so happy i'm a woman. i can't explain how but listen to the song and you might understand. ^_~
my friends at the office were teasing at me because i've been listening to christian songs everyday since last week. "nasa retreat ka ba, cat??". well, they can laugh all they want. this is how i de-stress while at work. there are times when stress really gets to you and you feel like punching your computer or your team mate or an overly demanding client and you just wanted to hand in your resignation and end all the frustration. but whenever i listen to my christian playlist, my mind would always become clearer and everything would come into perspective and i don't feel like punching anyone or anything. ^_^
these songs are my prayers throughout the day as well as my own version of zen meditation. several months back, i tried doing zen but it wasn't for me. same goes for moving meditation, and some other forms of meditation. sure, i felt relaxed afterwards but i also felt empty. i felt relaxed but uninspired and i realized i also needed to totally connect with the Lord for the experience to be complete; otherwise, the whole thing will be useless. so now, this is what i regularly do. it may or may not work for other people but it sure works for me...i get my work done and i satisfy my internal and external clients...at may oras pa mag-blog, hehe.
i like brenda...the first day we met, she told me "ay, mukha kang fresh grad". hehe, happens all the time. ^_^ sensei thought i was i college! and this was during intermediate 2 japanese. ^_^
one of my bestest friends, racs, sent me this beautiful message last night:
life is a choice: if you can't have all, have some at least.
if you can't be good, don't be bad.
if you can't be totally happy, don't be completely sad.
enjoy life!
an email message forwarded by (buti-na-lang-hindi-ako-india-team) m:
Why go to church?A Church goer wrote a letter to the editor of a newspaper and complained that it made no sense to go to church every Sunday. "I've gone for 30 years now," he wrote, "and in that time I have heard something like 3,000 sermons. But for the life of me, I can't remember a single one of them. So, I think I'm wasting my time and the pastors are wasting theirs by giving sermons at all." This started a real controversy in the "Letters to the Editor" column, much to the delight of the editor. It went on for weeks until someone wrote this clincher: I've been married for 30 years now. In that time my wife has cooked some 32,000 meals. But for the life of me, I cannot recall the entire menu for a single one of those meals. But I do know this: They all nourished me and gave me the strength I needed to do my work. If my wife had not given me these meals, I would be physically dead today. Likewise, if I had not gone to church for nourishment, I would be spiritually dead today!"
When you are DOWN to nothing....
God is UP to something! Faith sees the invisible, believes the incredible and receives the impossible! Thank God for our physical AND our spiritual nourishment! "When Satan is knocking at your door, simply say, "Jesus, could you get that for me? Happiness is a journey, not a destination.
So work like you don't need money, Love like you've never been hurt, and dance like no one's watching. Everyday is a gift, that's why it's called the present. Treat it as such and enjoy every minute.
they need to take new pictures for our new company ID today. bleagh, i feel unpretty.
Posted by Unknown at 09:24

last week, i took my final exams for german 1 and a few days later, i found out from des and dennis that i passed. my grade? sehr gut! goodness! who would've thought i'd get a grade this good!! i just wanted to get 51/100...the passing grade is 50/100, hehe. not that i didn't think i'm good enough; it's just that i have missed so many classes (particularly during the second half of the course) because of overtime work, i don't submit homework (hehe) and i couldn't catch up with everyone else. but i'm really, really thankful i made it. ^_^ maybe i do owe dennis and des a treat...but they have to ask me
auf Deutsch!! ~_^v
bakit ba may meeting na naman?? e kaka-meeting lang kahapon a!!! swear, some meetings are really counter-productive. as if namang wala akong ginagawa and i can spare time for a meeting. kasi naman itong si beyonce, mabilis nga magtrabaho pero daming sablay. so now we're doing everything all over again. kasi naman, kanta ng kanta, feeling destiny's child. naiingayan na nga si bianco e. if jax and i can't finish everything today, carla will be after our necks. hay naku...i just have a thing against meetings...
on rotation ALL DAY on my office PC: gary v's "take me out of the dark". that, and "lead me, Lord", also the gary v. version. they're sort of my prayers wherever i am: at work, commuting, in the bathroom...i sing them in my head every now and then and i feel so...i don't know...light, maybe? i especially like meditating over the lyrics every time i feel bad or stressed out and i always feel good afterwards. the messages they contain always have an answer to whatever problems i have and they way gary v sings them just drives the point home. ^_^
i particularly like these lines:
Teach us to trust in you with all of our heartTo lean not on our own understanding'Cause we just forgetYou won't give us what we can't bearGod is so beautiful talaga....
ito na nga ung buong song:
Just what is it in me
Sometimes I just don't know
What keeps me in your love
Why you never let me go
And though you're in me now
I fall and hurt you still
My Lord, please show me how
To know just how you feel
You have forgiven me
Too many times, it seemsI
feel I'm not what you might call
A worthy Christian after all
And though I love you so
Temptation find its way to me
Teach me to turn in you with all of my heart
To lean not on my own understanding
I just forget
You won't give me what I can't bear
Take me out of the dark, my Lord
I don't wanna be there
You never left my side
You gave your hand to me
To hold you, oh, JesusI'm no longer in the cold
And yet I leave you there
When I feel satisfied
I'd like to thank you everyday
Not only when I feel that way
I've never known a man who'd give his life
For sinners like me
And yet because he loves us so
He's promised us eternity
And we can have that promise and be His
If we have faith and just believe
Teach us to trust in you with all of our heart
To lean not on our own understanding
'Cause we just forget
You won't give us what we can't bear
Take us out of the dark, my Lord
'Cause we don't want to be alone
Take us out of the dark, my Lord
We don't wanna be there
Posted by Unknown at 13:28

habemus papamit's official: we have a pope. on tuesday, april 19th, pope benedict xvi was elected as the new pontiff to head the 1.1 billion catholics of the world. his election drew mixed reactions from everyone: dismay from the liberal, cheers from the ultra-conservative and everything in between. many had said that his hardline stance on orthodoxy might drive people away from the church. i myself was rooting for austria's cardinal schoenborn. i went "what?? ratzinger?? why??" (but i believe my professor in my german class is over the moon about it.) obviously, he is not the most popular candidate to succeed pope john paul ii. but i think it's unfair that we immediately judge the pope when he still haven't had the chance to show what kind of leader he is. being a trusted papal advisor is different from being a pope. as someone posted on the net, "a pope needs to be right first, than be popular first", or something to that effect. give the man a break. he has a big burden on his shoulders: addressing sexual abuses by priests, dwindling number of catholics*, church finances, etc, etc, etc. and on top of all that, following in the footsteps of the great john paul. pretty daunting, that last one. so i'm praying. and i'm hoping that, like john paul the great, i hope he will be a pope who will bring people closer to God, and not away from Him.
*a word of caution: do not continue if you do not like faith-related mattersIMHO: (warning: you may not crucify cat for speaking out)
many people, disillusioned of the church and its teachings, have turned away from an institution they viewed as no longer relevant to the modern world. funny, following the church's teachings and adhering to my faith has NEVER put me in trouble. never. on the contrary, i can survive daily challenges because of my faith in the Lord. i have a job that pays sufficiently, i'm healthy, i have a happy family (sort of), i do well in school, i have schatz, i have people who love and care for me..heck, even the morning fx taxi to work is a blessing! The Providence. i do what He says and He takes care of me. He will never fail you. this is why for me, the church and its teachings will always be an important part of my life. i'm not about to force people to go back to church...i'm just praying they go back to God. He is your friend. He listens and He answers all the time. make it a habit to talk to Him all the time...not only when you need a new job, when you want a new lover, when you need more moolah to buy a new gadget, when you desperately need to pass your final exams. God is waiting patiently for you. for all of us.
ps: dan brown needs to revise "angels and demons". the camerlengo is NOT a low ranked priest; he is a cardinal...cardinal camerlengo. ^_^
pps: happy birthday to teta, chester, tanya, jerome and bonnie bryan!!
Posted by Unknown at 09:08

si papa bear ay napakakulit, si mama bear ay mas makulit..
Posted by Unknown at 20:26

my first day at japanese class without schatz. feels really weird, not seeing him there. can't wait to get back home to him..
Posted by Unknown at 21:56

i told myself that if i pass 2kyuu, i'd get myself a new electronic dictionary. well, i did pass but i don't have any money for my present *sigh* sometimes, it sucks being a yuppie...young urban poor!
anyway, i had my final exams for my german class yesterday and i think i'll pass. ^_^ i didn't guess any of my answers and i'm quite confident that i made it. ^_^
somebody sent me pictures of the pope again. naiiyak na naman ako...
Posted by Unknown at 07:32

hay, schatz, ang kyut mo pa rin pag nakatalikod! di tuloy ako makaaral, hehe.ich denke fuer nur an dich. ich liebe dich!
Posted by Unknown at 13:30

pope john paul ii, my love for you will remain. God bless your beautiful soul.
Posted by Unknown at 12:44